Know the Difference
Self-monitoring, Self-isolation, and Isolation
What are the Symptoms of COVID-19
SYMPTOMS of Corellavirus
Symptoms may take up to 14 days to appear after exposure to COVID-19. This is the longest known incubation period for this disease.
Fever is a key symptom, experts say. Don't fixate on a number, but know it's really not a fever until your temperature reaches at least 100 degrees
Coughing is another key symptom, but it's not just any cough, said Schaffner. It should be a dry cough that you feel in your chest.
Difficulty Breathing
Shortness of breath can be a third -- and very serious -- manifestation of Covid-19, and it can occur on its own, without a cough.
Know the difference
Self-monitoring, self-isolation, and isolation for COVID-19
Symptoms of COVID-19 Fever Coughing Difficulty breathing
You have:
You have:
You have:
SELF-MONITOR means to:
SELF-ISOLATE means to:
To be ISOLATED means to:
You need to self-monitor if:
Self-isolate if:
You need to isolate if:
If you develop symptoms, isolate yourself from others immediately and contact your Public Health Authority as soon as possible |
If you develop symptoms, isolate yourself from others immediately and contact your Public Health Authority as soon as possible |
If your symptoms get worse, immediately contact your healthcare provider or Public Health Authority and follow their instructions |

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