Isolate at home

What is Isolation?
Isolation means staying at home when you have symptoms of COVID-19 and avoiding contact with other people to help prevent the spread of disease to others in your home and your community.
If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are waiting to hear the results of a lab test for COVID-19, it is expected that you take the following measures

Limit contact with others
- Do not leave home unless absolutely necessary, such as to seek medical care.
- Do not go to school, work, other public areas or use public transportation (e.g. buses, taxis).
- Arrange to have groceries and supplies dropped off at your door to minimize contact
- Stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom from others in your home, if possible.
- If you have to be in contact with others, keep at least 2 metres between yourself and the other person. Keep interactions brief and wear a mask.
- Avoid contact with individuals with chronic conditions, compromised immune systems and older adults.
- Avoid contact with pets if you live with other people that may also be touching the pet.
Avoid contaminating common items and surfaces
- At least once daily, clean and disinfect surfaces that you touch often, like toilets, bedside tables, doorknobs, phones and television remotes
- Do not share personal items with others, such as toothbrushes, towels, bed linen, utensils or electronic devices.
- Use regular household disinfectants or diluted bleach (one part bleach and nine parts water) to disinfect.
- Place contaminated items that cannot be cleaned in a lined container, secure the contents and dispose of them with other household waste.
- Put the lid of the toilet down before flushing.

Keep your hands clean
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, and dry with disposable paper towels or dry reusable towel, replacing it when it becomes wet
- You can also remove dirt with a wet wipe and then use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Cough or sneeze into the bend of your arm or into a tissue.
Care for yourself
- f Monitor your symptoms as directed by your healthcare provider or Public Health Authority.
- f If your symptoms get worse, immediately contact your healthcare provider or Public Health Authority and follow their instructions.
- Get some rest, eat a balanced diet, and stay in touch with others through ‘communication devices’.

Supplies to have at home when isolating
- Surgical/procedure masks (do not re-use)
- Eye protection
- Disposable gloves (do not re-use)
- Disposable paper towels
- Tissues
- Waste container with plastic liner
- Thermometer
- Over the counter medication to reduce fever
- Running water
- Hand soap
- Alcohol-based sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol
- Dish soap
- Regular laundry soap
- Regular household cleaning products
- Bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite) and a separate container for dilution (one part bleach to nine parts water)
- Alcohol prep wipes
- Arrange to have your groceries delivered to you

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